Assets | Purchases to Assets
The Process Capitalization endpoint is used to process an asset's purchase into a acquisition.
URL | api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/assets/processCapitalizations |
Methods Supported | POST, GET |
All Operations
This service includes the following operations:
- GET:
All Resources
This service uses the following resources:
GET Purchases to Assets
Returns the list of entity records that can be processed by the 'AssetAcquisitions' service.
The following elements are required:
pageIndex | (int) The index of the page of the list that should be returned. |
pageSize | (int) The number of page elements that should be returned (max. is 1000). |
company | (string) The company filter. |
currency | (string) The currency filter. |
The following elements are optional:
party | (string) The supplier filter. This is a query string parameter. |
capitalizationDate | (DateTime?) The document date will be used on the acquisition document. This is a query string parameter. |
capitalizationFromDate | (DateTime?) The from date filter. This is a query string parameter. |
capitalizationToDate | (DateTime?) The to date filter. This is a query string parameter. |
postingDate | (DateTime?) The document posting date This is a query string parameter. |
documentDate | (DateTime?) The document posting date This is a query string parameter. |
When successful, the response body contains the list of entity records available for processing. See CapitalizationLine. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
POST Post Capitalization
This service represent the application picking, given a resource it will process the assets.
The following elements are required:
capitalization | (Capitalization) This resource contains information about capitalizations to be processed to asset Acquisitions. |
When successful, the response body contains a unique identifier. |
Resource URL:
POST Post Transfer Clearing Account
This service represent the application picking for the transfer clearing account, given a resource it will process the assets.
The following elements are required:
capitalization | (Capitalization) This resource contains information about capitalizations to be processed to transfer clearing account. |
When successful, the response body contains a unique identifier. |
Resource URL:
POST Purchases to Assets
Instructs the 'AssetAcquisitions' service to process the specified entity records.
The following elements are required:
list | (CapitalizationLine) List of the entity records that should be processed. See CapitalizationLine. |
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
When successful, the response body is empty. The URL of the processed items is returned in the response location header. |
Response status codes:
201 | Created. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
The following elements are required:
company | (string) The company filter. |
selectedCount | (int) Internal - count of selected lines. |
currency | (string) The currency filter. |
The following elements are optional:
party | (string) The supplier filter. |
capitalizationDate | (DateTime) The document date will be used on the acquisition document. |
capitalizationFromDate | (DateTime) The from date filter. |
capitalizationToDate | (DateTime) The to date filter. |
postingDate | (DateTime) The document posting date. |
documentDate | (DateTime) The document posting date. |
The following elements are required:
selected | (bool) Indicate if true the line is selected otherwise the line is not selected. |
sourceDoc | (string) The source document key of the purchases document. |
sourceDocLine | (int) The source line index. |
quantity | (int) The quantity selected to be processed. |
The following elements are optional:
party | (string) The party of the purchase document. |
documentDate | (DateTime) The document date of the purchases document. |
sourceDocId | (Guid) The source document identifier of the purchases document. |
sourceDocLineId | (Guid) The source document line identifier of the purchases document. |
sourceSchemaEntityId | (Guid) The schema entity identifier of the purchases document. |
originalQuantity | (int) The original quantity of the purchases document. |
openQuantity | (int) The remaining quantities. |
unit | (string) The Unit of the purchases document. |
note | (string) The customer original order number. |
lineDescription | (string) The source line description. |
asset | (string) Asset. |
createAsset | (bool) Create Asset. |
updateQuantity | (bool) Update Quantity. |
putInServiceDate | (DateTime) Put In Service Date. |
gLAccount | (string) GL Account. |
dimensionSet | (string) Dimension Set. |
assetClass | (string) Asset Class. |