ROSE Developers - Web API Reference

Assets | Asset Info

The Asset Info endpointis used to get the information for the Asset widget.


URL api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/assets/assetInfos
Methods Supported GET

All Operations

This service includes the following operations:

All Resources

This service uses the following resources:

GET Operations

GET Get Asset Summary

Operation to get all the information needed for the side widget on Asset documents.

The following elements are required:

assetKey (string) The Asset Key of summarized asset.


When successful, the response body contains a resource of type 'AssetSummary'. See AssetSummary.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /assets/assetInfos/getAssetSummary



The following elements are optional:

assetImage (string) The image of the Asset.
asset (string) The concatenation of asset key and asset description.
acquisitionValue (string) the aquisition value formated in the company currency.
acquistionTitle (string) the date of the first aquisition plus the party that sold the asset.
depreciationValueEfective (string) the depreciation value formated in the company currency.
depreciationTitle (string) the title of the depreciation.
imparityValue (string) the imparity value formated in the company currency.
imparityTitle (string) the title of the depreciation.
ridOfValue (string) the value of disposal plus scrap formated in company currency.
ridOfTitle (string) the date of the last scrap or dispsal plus the party that was sold to(in case of scrap no party).
remainingLife (string) the number of months remaining in asset's life.
putInServiceText (string) put in service date formated.