Assets | Scrap
The Asset Scrap end point is used to record the information related with the process of a scrap such as the asset and value.
URL | api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/assets/assetScraps |
Methods Supported | GET, POST, PUT, DELETE |
All Operations
This service includes the following operations:
- GET:
- PUT Set Custom Attribute AssetScrap
- PUT Set Custom Attribute AssetScrapLine
- PUT Set IsActive AssetScrap
- PUT Set ScrapReason AssetScrap
- PUT Set Remarks AssetScrap
- PUT Set ChartOfAccount AssetScrap
- PUT Set PrintedReportName AssetScrap
- PUT Set Currency AssetScrapLine
- PUT Set DimensionSet AssetScrapLine
- PUT Set DimensionSetJson AssetScrapLine
All Resources
This service uses the following resources:
- ApiAssetScrapDocumentLinesAssetScrapLineAccountsResource
- ApiAssetScrapDocumentLinesResource
- ApiAssetScrapResource
- AssetScrapLineResource
- AssetScrapResource
- MoneyResource
- ScrapLineAccountResource
- ExtensibilityCustomAttributeValueResource
All Enumerations
This service uses the following enumerations:
GET AssetScraps
Returns the list of all the entity records available.
When successful, the response body contains the list of records available. See AssetScrapResource. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
GET AssetScraps (paged)
Returns a page of the list of all the entity records available.
The following elements are optional:
page | (int) The index of the page of the list that should be returned. This is a query string parameter. |
pageSize | (int) The number of page elements that should be returned (max. is 1000). This is a query string parameter. |
When successful, the response body contains the list of records available. See AssetScrapResource. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
GET AssetScrap by identifier
Returns the entity record that matches the specified identifier.
The following elements are required:
id | (string) The record identifier. |
When successful, the response body contains the entity record. See AssetScrapResource. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
404 | NotFound. The specified record does not exist. |
Resource URL:
GET AssetScrap by key
Returns the entity record that matches the specified key.
The following elements are required:
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
When successful, the response body contains the entity record. See AssetScrapResource. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
404 | NotFound. The specified record does not exist. |
Resource URL:
GET Print AssetScrap by identifier
Prints the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
id | (string) The record identifier. |
The following elements are optional:
template | (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter. |
When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
404 | NotFound. The specified resord does not exist. |
Resource URL:
GET Print AssetScrap by key
Prints the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
The following elements are optional:
template | (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter. |
When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
404 | NotFound. The specified record does not exist. |
Resource URL:
GET Original Print AssetScrapOriginal by identifier
Prints the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
id | (string) The record identifier. |
The following elements are optional:
template | (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter. |
When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
404 | NotFound. The specified resord does not exist. |
Resource URL:
GET Original Print AssetScrap by key
Prints the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
The following elements are optional:
template | (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter. |
When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
404 | NotFound. The specified record does not exist. |
Resource URL:
POST AssetScraps
Creates a new entity record.
The following elements are required:
assetScrapResource | (ApiAssetScrapResource) The request body should contain the entity record that should be created. See ApiAssetScrapResource. |
The following elements are optional:
customAttributes | (JSON Document) A key-value pair in JSON format that represents the extensibility custom attributes for this entity. The key should be the custom attribute name prefixed with "custom_", e.g. "custom_attributeName". While the "customAttributes" element is optional, please notice that specific custom attributes might be marked as required. |
When successful, the response body contains the new entity record identifier. The resource header location property contains the URL for the new entity record. See ApiAssetScrapResource. |
Response status codes:
201 | Created. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
PUT Set ChartOfAccount AssetScrap
Updates the value of attribute 'ChartOfAccount' in the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
value | (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
PUT Set Currency AssetScrapLine
Updates the value of attribute 'Currency' in the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
lineId | (string) The detail identifier. |
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
value | (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
PUT Set DimensionSet AssetScrapLine
Updates the value of attribute 'DimensionSet' in the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
lineId | (string) The detail identifier. |
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
value | (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
PUT Set DimensionSetJson AssetScrapLine
Updates the value of attribute 'DimensionSetJson' in the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
lineId | (string) The detail identifier. |
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
value | (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
PUT Set IsActive AssetScrap
Updates the value of attribute 'IsActive' in the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
value | (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
404 | NotFound. The specified record does not exist. |
Resource URL:
PUT Set PrintedReportName AssetScrap
Updates the value of attribute 'PrintedReportName' in the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
value | (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
PUT Set Remarks AssetScrap
Updates the value of attribute 'Remarks' in the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
value | (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
PUT Set ScrapReason AssetScrap
Updates the value of attribute 'ScrapReason' in the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
value | (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
PUT Set Custom Attribute AssetScrap
Updates the value of 'CustomAttribute' in the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
customAttributeName | (string) The custom attribute name. |
value | (ExtensibilityCustomAttributeValueResource) The request body should contain the new value for the custom attribute. See ExtensibilityCustomAttributeValueResource. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
404 | NotFound. The specified record does not exist. |
Resource URL:
PUT Set Custom Attribute AssetScrapLine
Updates the value of 'CustomAttribute' in the specified entity record.
The following elements are required:
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
lineId | (string) The detail identifier. |
customAttributeName | (string) The custom attribute name. |
value | (ExtensibilityCustomAttributeValueResource) The request body should contain the new value for the custom attribute. See ExtensibilityCustomAttributeValueResource. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
404 | NotFound. The specified record does not exist. |
Resource URL:
DELETE AssetScrap by identifier
Deletes the entity record that matches the specified identifier.
The following elements are required:
id | (string) The record identifier. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
204 | Deleted. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
404 | NotFound. The specified record does not exist. |
Resource URL:
DELETE AssetScrap by key
Deletes the entity record that matches the specified key.
The following elements are required:
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
When successful, the response body is empty. |
Response status codes:
204 | Deleted. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
404 | NotFound. The specified record does not exist. |
Resource URL:
The following elements are required:
currency | (string) The currency of the monetary fields. |
amount | (MoneyResource) Internal Field not used.
See MoneyResource . |
ledger | (string) The actual ledger where the values are posted. |
depreciationArea | (string) The Asset SetUp depreciation area. Automatically resolved. |
The following elements are optional:
chartOfAccount | (string) The chart of accounts of the company (Internal). |
gLAccount | (string) The GL account to be posted. Internally resolved. |
assetTransactionAccountType | (enum AssetTransactionAccountType) The Asset Class Detail GlAccount. Automatically resolved.
See AssetTransactionAccountType. |
The following elements are required:
financialAsset | (string) The financial asset to be scraped. |
scrapQuantity | (int) The quantity to be scrapt of this asset. |
currency | (string) The base currency of the company (Internal). |
The following elements are optional:
assetScrapLineAccounts | (List of ApiAssetScrapDocumentLinesAssetScrapLineAccountsResource) Asset Scrap Line Accounts.
See ApiAssetScrapDocumentLinesAssetScrapLineAccountsResource. |
dimensionSet | (string) The dimension set. Infered from the dimension combination in the asset type. |
dimensionSetJson | (string) The json representation of the dimension set (Internal). |
The following elements are required:
company | (string) The company key. |
journalType | (string) The journal type. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
financialPeriod | (int) The financial period of the journal entry. It's determined by the posting date, user can only assign special periods when the posting date is on the upper/lower margin of the calendar. |
documentDate | (DateTime) The date when the document is issued. |
postingDate | (DateTime) The date when the document is created. |
scrapReason | (string) The reason for the asset to be scraped. |
documentLines | (List of ApiAssetScrapDocumentLinesResource) Reference to the scrap document details.
See ApiAssetScrapDocumentLinesResource. |
The following elements are optional:
remarks | (string) The asset scrap's remarks. |
chartOfAccount | (string) The chart of accounts of the company (Internal). |
printedReportName | (string) Indicates the report name used to print the document. Internally determined. |
The following elements are required:
financialAsset | (string) The financial asset to be scraped. |
actualQuantity | (int) The financial asset quantity (internal). |
acquisitionValue | (MoneyResource) The acquisition value (internal).
See MoneyResource . |
recordedImpairment | (MoneyResource) The recorded impairmen (internal).
See MoneyResource . |
accumulatedDepreciation | (MoneyResource) The accumulated depreciation (internal).
See MoneyResource . |
scrapQuantity | (int) The quantity to be scrapt of this asset. |
currency | (string) The base currency of the company (Internal). |
The following elements are optional:
description | (string) The financial asset description (internal). |
assetScrapLineAccounts | (List of ScrapLineAccountResource) Asset Scrap Line Accounts.
See ScrapLineAccountResource. |
dimensionSet | (string) The dimension set. Infered from the dimension combination in the asset type. |
dimensionSetJson | (string) The json representation of the dimension set (Internal). |
The following elements are required:
company | (string) The company key.
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type Company. These records are accessibly through the Companies service. |
journalType | (string) The journal type.
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type JournalType. These records are accessibly through the JournalTypes service. |
financialYear | (string) The financial year.
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type FinancialYear. These records are accessibly through the FinancialYears service. |
ledger | (string) The ledger to be used when posting in accounting. The default value is the company's General Ledger.
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type Ledger. These records are accessibly through the Ledgers service. |
seriesNumber | (int) The journal number assigned to the journal entry. An journal number is a number used to identify a journal entry. It is set up in Journal Type maintenance. |
financialPeriod | (int) The financial period of the journal entry. It's determined by the posting date, user can only assign special periods when the posting date is on the upper/lower margin of the calendar. |
documentDate | (DateTime) The date when the document is issued. |
postingDate | (DateTime) The date when the document is created. |
scrapReason | (string) The reason for the asset to be scraped. |
documentLines | (List of AssetScrapLineResource) Reference to the scrap document details.
See AssetScrapLineResource. |
currency | (string) The base currency of the company (Internal).
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type Currency. These records are accessibly through the Currencies service. |
The following elements are optional:
financialPeriodName | (string) The financial period name. |
accountingDocument | (string) The accounting document that was assigned in accounting. |
remarks | (string) The asset scrap's remarks. |
isPrinted | (bool) Flag to know if it was printed. |
chartOfAccount | (string) The chart of accounts of the company (Internal).
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type ChartOfAccount. These records are accessibly through the ChartOfAccounts service. |
printedReportName | (string) Indicates the report name used to print the document. Internally determined. |
isReprinted | (bool) Indicates if the document has been reprinted. Internally determined. |
isSigned | (bool) Indicates if the document is electronically signed with a valid certificate. Internally determined. |
The following elements are required:
amount | (decimal) The amount. |
The following elements are optional:
baseAmount | (decimal) The base amount. |
reportingAmount | (decimal) The reporting amount. |
fractionDigits | (int) The fraction digits. |
symbol | (string) The symbol. |
Notes: For the POST operation it is not necessary to send the fields: BaseAmount, ReportingAmount, FractionDigits and Symbol. Will be ignored.
The following elements are required:
currency | (string) The currency of the monetary fields. |
amount | (MoneyResource) Internal Field not used.
See MoneyResource . |
ledger | (string) The actual ledger where the values are posted. |
depreciationArea | (string) The Asset SetUp depreciation area. Automatically resolved. |
The following elements are optional:
chartOfAccount | (string) The chart of accounts of the company (Internal). |
gLAccount | (string) The GL account to be posted. Internally resolved. |
assetTransactionAccountType | (enum AssetTransactionAccountType) The Asset Class Detail GlAccount. Automatically resolved.
See AssetTransactionAccountType. |
The following elements are required:
value | (object) The custom attribute value. |