ROSE Developers - Web API Reference

Taxes | SAF-T Import Groups

The SAFT Import Group is used to manage default values for each type of saft, such as Group By Anonymous Customer, Customer Creation, Item Fiscal Type and Account Type and Taxes.


URL api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups
Methods Supported GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

All Operations

This service includes the following operations:

All Resources

This service uses the following resources:

All Enumerations

This service uses the following enumerations:

GET Operations

GET SaftImportGroups

Returns the list of all the entity records available.


When successful, the response body contains the list of records available. See SaftImportGroupResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups

GET SaftImportGroups (paged)

Returns a page of the list of all the entity records available.

The following elements are optional:

page (int) The index of the page of the list that should be returned. This is a query string parameter.
pageSize (int) The number of page elements that should be returned (max. is 1000). This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains the list of records available. See SaftImportGroupResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

GET SaftImportGroup by identifier

Returns the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

id (string) The record identifier.


When successful, the response body contains the entity record. See SaftImportGroupResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{id}

GET SaftImportGroup by key

Returns the entity record that matches the specified key.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.


When successful, the response body contains the entity record. See SaftImportGroupResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}

GET Print SaftImportGroup by identifier

Prints the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

id (string) The record identifier.

The following elements are optional:

template (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
404 NotFound. The specified resord does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{id}/print?template={template}

GET Print SaftImportGroup by key

Prints the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.

The following elements are optional:

template (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/print

GET Original Print SaftImportGroupOriginal by identifier

Prints the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

id (string) The record identifier.

The following elements are optional:

template (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
404 NotFound. The specified resord does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{id}/printOriginal?template={template}

GET Original Print SaftImportGroup by key

Prints the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.

The following elements are optional:

template (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/printOriginal

POST Operations

POST SaftImportGroups

Creates a new entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupResource (ApiSaftImportGroupResource) The request body should contain the entity record that should be created.
See ApiSaftImportGroupResource.


When successful, the response body contains the new entity record identifier. The resource header location property contains the URL for the new entity record. See ApiSaftImportGroupResource.

Response status codes:

201 Created. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

POST /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups

POST SAF-T Import Group

Inserts a new 'Item Type Mapping' in the 'SAF-T Import Group'.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
value (ApiSaftImportGroupItemTypeMappingsResource) The ApiSaftImportGroupItemTypeMappingsResource instance.
See ApiSaftImportGroupItemTypeMappingsResource.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 NoContent. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

POST /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/itemTypeMappings

POST SAF-T Import Group

Inserts a new 'Item Tax Schema Mapping' in the 'SAF-T Import Group'.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
value (ApiSaftImportGroupItemTaxSchemaMappingsResource) The ApiSaftImportGroupItemTaxSchemaMappingsResource instance.
See ApiSaftImportGroupItemTaxSchemaMappingsResource.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 NoContent. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

POST /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/itemTaxSchemaMappings

PUT Operations

PUT Set CustomerCreationKey SaftImportGroup

Updates the value of attribute 'CustomerCreationKey' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
value (enum PartyCreationKey) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.
See PartyCreationKey.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/customerCreationKey

PUT Set Description SaftImportGroup

Updates the value of attribute 'Description' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/description

PUT Set FiscalType ItemTypeMapping

Updates the value of attribute 'FiscalType' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
value (enum FiscalType) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.
See FiscalType.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/itemTypeMappings/{lineId}/fiscalType

PUT Set GroupByAnonymousCustomer SaftImportGroup

Updates the value of attribute 'GroupByAnonymousCustomer' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/groupByAnonymousCustomer

PUT Set IsActive SaftImportGroup

Updates the value of attribute 'IsActive' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

PUT /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/isActive

PUT Set ItemAccountType ItemTypeMapping

Updates the value of attribute 'ItemAccountType' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/itemTypeMappings/{lineId}/itemAccountType

PUT Set ItemTaxSchema ItemTaxSchemaMapping

Updates the value of attribute 'ItemTaxSchema' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/itemTaxSchemaMappings/{lineId}/itemTaxSchema

PUT Set KeepRecordOfPrivateCustomers SaftImportGroup

Updates the value of attribute 'KeepRecordOfPrivateCustomers' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/keepRecordOfPrivateCustomers

PUT Set SaftImportGroupKey SaftImportGroup

Updates the value of attribute 'SaftImportGroupKey' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/saftImportGroupKey

PUT Set TaxSubClass ItemTaxSchemaMapping

Updates the value of attribute 'TaxSubClass' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/itemTaxSchemaMappings/{lineId}/taxSubClass

DELETE Operations

DELETE Item Type Mapping by identifier

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
lineId (string) The line identifier.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 NoContent. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/itemTypeMappings/{lineId}

DELETE Item Tax Schema Mapping by identifier

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
lineId (string) The line identifier.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 NoContent. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}/itemTaxSchemaMappings/{lineId}

DELETE SaftImportGroup by identifier

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

id (string) The record identifier.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 Deleted. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{id}

DELETE SaftImportGroup by key

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified key.

The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 Deleted. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /taxAuthorityPT/saftImportGroups/{saftImportGroupKey}



The following elements are required:

taxSubClass (string) Tax Sub Class.
itemTaxSchema (string) Item Tax Schema.


The following elements are required:

fiscalType (enum FiscalType) Fiscal Type.
See FiscalType.

The following elements are optional:

itemAccountType (string) Item Account Type.


The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
customerCreationKey (enum PartyCreationKey) Customer Creation.
See PartyCreationKey.

The following elements are optional:

description (string) The description used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
groupByAnonymousCustomer (bool) Sets if is group by one-time customer.
keepRecordOfPrivateCustomers (bool) Sets if keep record of private customers.
itemTypeMappings (List of ApiSaftImportGroupItemTypeMappingsResource) List of Item type mappings.
See ApiSaftImportGroupItemTypeMappingsResource.
itemTaxSchemaMappings (List of ApiSaftImportGroupItemTaxSchemaMappingsResource) List of Item Tax Schema Mappings.
See ApiSaftImportGroupItemTaxSchemaMappingsResource.


The following elements are required:

taxSubClass (string) Tax Sub Class.
itemTaxSchema (string) Item Tax Schema.


The following elements are required:

fiscalType (enum FiscalType) Fiscal Type.
See FiscalType.

The following elements are optional:

itemAccountType (string) Item Account Type.


The following elements are required:

saftImportGroupKey (string) The key used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
customerCreationKey (enum PartyCreationKey) Customer Creation.
See PartyCreationKey.

The following elements are optional:

description (string) The description used in the ImportSalesGroup configuration.
groupByAnonymousCustomer (bool) Sets if is group by one-time customer.
keepRecordOfPrivateCustomers (bool) Sets if keep record of private customers.
itemTypeMappings (List of ItemTypeMappingResource) List of Item type mappings.
See ItemTypeMappingResource.
itemTaxSchemaMappings (List of ItemTaxSchemaMappingResource) List of Item Tax Schema Mappings.
See ItemTaxSchemaMappingResource.



1 Products
2 Services
3 Others
4 ExciseDuties
5 Taxes


1 CompanyTaxID The company tax id.
2 Autonumber The autonumber.