RoseERP Developers - Web API Reference

Sales | Sales GL Account Determination

The **sales GL account determination entity **sales account determination**. And this service manage the common operations of this entity.


URL api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/salesCore/salesGLAccountDeterminations
Methods Supported POST

All Operations

This service includes the following operations:

All Resources

This service uses the following resources:

POST Operations

POST Get Sales GL Account

Custom operation 'GetSalesGLAccount'.

The following elements are required:

salesAccountDeterminationKey (string) SalesAccountDeterminationKey This is a query string parameter.
itemKey (string) ItemKey This is a query string parameter.
accountingPartyKey (string) AccountingPartyKey This is a query string parameter.
chartOfAccountKey (string) ChartOfAccountKey This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains a resource of type 'SalesAccountResource'. See SalesAccountResource.

Resource URL:

POST /salesCore/salesGLAccountDeterminations/getSalesGLAccount?salesAccountDeterminationKey={salesAccountDeterminationKey}&itemKey={itemKey}&accountingPartyKey={accountingPartyKey}&chartOfAccountKey={chartOfAccountKey}



The following elements are optional:

discountGLAccountId (Guid) Discount GLAccount Id.
discountGLAccountNaturalKey (string) Discount GLAccount NaturalKey.
discountGLAccountDescription (string) Discount GL Account Description.
salesGLAccountId (Guid) Sales GLAccount Id.
salesGLAccountNaturalKey (string) Sales GLAccount NaturalKey.
salesGLAccountDescription (string) Sales GLAccount Description.