Bank Accounting | Process Bank Orders Request
The Process Bank Orders Requests end point allows to process open payments and receivables to generate SEPA Files. RESERVED FOR INTERNAL USE.
URL | api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/bankAccounting/processBankOrdersRequests |
Methods Supported | POST, GET |
All Operations
This service includes the following operations:
- GET:
All Resources
This service uses the following resources:
GET Process Bank Orders Request
Returns the list of entity records that can be processed by the 'BankOrders' service.
The following elements are required:
pageIndex | (int) The index of the page of the list that should be returned. |
pageSize | (int) The number of page elements that should be returned (max. is 1000). |
company | (string) The company code is the central organizational unit within the system. |
financialAccount | (string) Financial Account. |
documentDate | (DateTime) Document Date. |
bankOrderType | (string) Bank Order Type. |
bankAccountType | (string) Bank Account Type. |
The following elements are optional:
note | (string) Reference This is a query string parameter. |
currency | (string) Currency This is a query string parameter. |
onlyWithNoCredits | (bool?) Show Only With No Credits This is a query string parameter. |
dueDateFrom | (DateTime?) Due Date From This is a query string parameter. |
dueDateUntil | (DateTime?) Due Date Until This is a query string parameter. |
total | (decimal?) Document total. Internally calculated. This is a query string parameter. |
documentExchangeRate | (decimal?) Document Exchange Rate This is a query string parameter. |
paymentMethod | (string) Payment Method This is a query string parameter. |
isUniqueCompany | (bool?) Is Unique Company This is a query string parameter. |
When successful, the response body contains the list of entity records available for processing. See BankOrdersRequestLine. |
Response status codes:
200 | OK. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
POST Post Bank Order Request
This operation allows to process open payments and receivables to generate SEPA Files.
The following elements are required:
bankOrderRequest | (BankOrdersRequest) The Bank Order Request represents the open items like payments or receivables to create the bank order. |
When successful, the response body contains a unique identifier. |
Resource URL:
POST Process Bank Orders Request
Instructs the 'BankOrders' service to process the specified entity records.
The following elements are required:
list | (BankOrdersRequestLine) List of the entity records that should be processed. See BankOrdersRequestLine. |
companyKey | (string) The company key. |
When successful, the response body is empty. The URL of the processed items is returned in the response location header. |
Response status codes:
201 | Created. The operation was completed successfully. |
400 | BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid. |
Resource URL:
The following elements are required:
company | (string) The company code is the central organizational unit within the system. |
financialAccount | (string) Financial Account. |
documentDate | (DateTime) Document Date. |
bankOrderType | (string) Bank Order Type. |
bankAccountType | (string) Bank Account Type. |
selectedCount | (int) The number of lines selected. |
The following elements are optional:
note | (string) Reference. |
currency | (string) Currency. |
onlyWithNoCredits | (bool) Show Only With No Credits. |
dueDateFrom | (DateTime) Due Date From. |
dueDateUntil | (DateTime) Due Date Until. |
total | (decimal) Document total. Internally calculated. |
documentExchangeRate | (decimal) Document Exchange Rate. |
paymentMethod | (string) Payment Method. |
isUniqueCompany | (bool) Is Unique Company. |
The following elements are required:
selected | (bool) Selected. |
The following elements are optional:
party | (string) The customer designated in the account posting as the party to whom should be sent the receipt. It may or may not be the party to whom the goods or services were delivered. |
sourceDoc | (string) The original document to be settled. The source documents is usually an invoice but other documents can be included on a receitp (ex: Debit Notes). Internally determined. |
postingDate | (DateTime) Posting Date. |
dueDate | (DateTime) Due Date. |
amount | (decimal) It indicates the total amount of the original document in the receipt currency. Internally determined. |
open | (decimal) It indicates the current open amount of the original document in the receipt currency. One original document document can be partially settled over multiple receipts. Internally determined. |
discount | (decimal) Discount. |
withholded | (decimal) It indicates the withholding tax amount (in the SEPA curreny) that will be settled by this SEPA. In some countries, define the tax amount deducted at the beginning of the payment flow and paid to the tax authorities on behalf of the person / company subject to that tax. This amount is deducted to the original open amount. |
transferAmount | (decimal) It indicates the transfer amount (in the SEPA currency). This amount is the original open amount deducted of the withholded tax amount (when applicable) and any financial discounts. |
accountPostingId | (Guid) The unique identifier of then account posting for the line. Internally determined. |
sourceDocId | (Guid) The unique identifier of the original document to be settled. The source documents is usually an invoice but other documents can be included on a receitp (ex: Credit or Debit Notes). Internally determined. |