ROSEPEOPLE Developers - Web API Reference

Payroll | Employee Receipt

Service to manage entities of type 'EmployeeReceipt'.


URL api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/payroll/employeeReceipts
Methods Supported GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

All Operations

This service includes the following operations:

All Resources

This service uses the following resources:

All Enumerations

This service uses the following enumerations:

GET Operations

GET EmployeeReceipts

Returns the list of all the entity records available.


When successful, the response body contains the list of records available. See EmployeeReceiptResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /payroll/employeeReceipts

GET EmployeeReceipts (paged)

Returns a page of the list of all the entity records available.

The following elements are optional:

page (int) The index of the page of the list that should be returned. This is a query string parameter.
pageSize (int) The number of page elements that should be returned (max. is 1000). This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains the list of records available. See EmployeeReceiptResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /payroll/employeeReceipts?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

GET EmployeeReceipt by identifier

Returns the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

id (string) The record identifier.


When successful, the response body contains the entity record. See EmployeeReceiptResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /payroll/employeeReceipts/{id}

GET EmployeeReceipt by key

Returns the entity record that matches the specified key.

The following elements are required:

companyKey (string) The company key.
receiptKey (string) Receipt.


When successful, the response body contains the entity record. See EmployeeReceiptResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}

GET Print EmployeeReceipt by identifier

Prints the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

id (string) The record identifier.

The following elements are optional:

template (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
404 NotFound. The specified resord does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /payroll/employeeReceipts/{id}/print?template={template}

GET Print EmployeeReceipt by key

Prints the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

companyKey (string) The company key.
receiptKey (string) Receipt.

The following elements are optional:

template (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/print

GET Original Print EmployeeReceiptOriginal by identifier

Prints the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

id (string) The record identifier.

The following elements are optional:

template (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
404 NotFound. The specified resord does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /payroll/employeeReceipts/{id}/printOriginal?template={template}

GET Original Print EmployeeReceipt by key

Prints the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

companyKey (string) The company key.
receiptKey (string) Receipt.

The following elements are optional:

template (string) The report template that should be used. This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains a stream with the printed file.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/printOriginal

GET Summary

Returns a list of employee receipts for a year.

The following elements are required:

employeeId (Guid) EmployeeId.
year (int) Year.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'EmployeeReceiptSummaryResource'. See EmployeeReceiptSummaryResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /payroll/employeeReceipts/summary/{employeeId}/{year}

GET Get Employee Lastest Receipt

Returns the last employee receipt.

The following elements are required:

employeeId (Guid) EmployeeId.


When successful, the response body contains a resource of type 'EmployeeReceiptSummaryResource'. See EmployeeReceiptSummaryResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /payroll/employeeReceipts/getEmployeeLastestReceipt/{employeeId}

POST Operations

POST EmployeeReceiptEdits

Creates a new entity record.

The following elements are required:

employeeReceiptResource (ApiEmployeeReceiptEditResource) The request body should contain the entity record that should be created.
See ApiEmployeeReceiptEditResource.


When successful, the response body contains the new entity record identifier. The resource header location property contains the URL for the new entity record. See ApiEmployeeReceiptEditResource.

Response status codes:

201 Created. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

POST /payroll/employeeReceipts

POST Employee Receipt

Inserts a new 'Emp Rec Processing' in the 'Employee Receipt'.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (ApiEmployeeReceiptEditEmployeeReceiptProcessingsResource) The ApiEmployeeReceiptEditEmployeeReceiptProcessingsResource instance.
See ApiEmployeeReceiptEditEmployeeReceiptProcessingsResource.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 NoContent. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

POST /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings

POST Employee Receipt

Inserts a new 'Emp Rec Debt Procedure' in the 'Employee Receipt'.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (ApiEmployeeReceiptEditEmpRecDebtProceduresResource) The ApiEmployeeReceiptEditEmpRecDebtProceduresResource instance.
See ApiEmployeeReceiptEditEmpRecDebtProceduresResource.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 NoContent. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

POST /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/empRecDebtProcedures

PUT Operations

PUT Set AttachableValue EmpRecDebtProcedure

Updates the value of attribute 'AttachableValue' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/empRecDebtProcedures/{lineId}/attachableValue

PUT Set Company EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'Company' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/company

PUT Set Contract EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'Contract' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/contract

PUT Set Currency EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'Currency' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/currency

PUT Set DebtProcedure EmpRecDebtProcedure

Updates the value of attribute 'DebtProcedure' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/empRecDebtProcedures/{lineId}/debtProcedure

PUT Set DocumentDate EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'DocumentDate' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (DateTime) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/documentDate

PUT Set Employee EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'Employee' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employee

PUT Set HourlyWage EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'HourlyWage' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/hourlyWage

PUT Set IsActive EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'IsActive' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/isActive

PUT Set IsBankFileDismissed EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'IsBankFileDismissed' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/isBankFileDismissed

PUT Set NetValue EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'NetValue' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/netValue

PUT Set OrderIndex EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'OrderIndex' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/orderIndex

PUT Set PaidDaysCount EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'PaidDaysCount' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/paidDaysCount

PUT Set PaidHoursCount EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'PaidHoursCount' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/paidHoursCount

PUT Set Payment EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'Payment' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/payment

PUT Set Period EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'Period' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (DateTime) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/period

PUT Set PeriodAsText EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'PeriodAsText' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/periodAsText

PUT Set PeriodAsText EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'PeriodAsText' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/periodAsText

PUT Set PeriodMonth EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'PeriodMonth' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/periodMonth

PUT Set PeriodYear EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'PeriodYear' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/periodYear

PUT Set Processing EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'Processing' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/processing

PUT Set ProcessingName EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'ProcessingName' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/processingName

PUT Set ProcessingType EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'ProcessingType' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (enum ProcessingType) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.
See ProcessingType.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/processingType

PUT Set ReceiptKey EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'ReceiptKey' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/receiptKey

PUT Set TotalCompanyDeductions EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'TotalCompanyDeductions' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/totalCompanyDeductions

PUT Set TotalDebtProcedure EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'TotalDebtProcedure' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/totalDebtProcedure

PUT Set TotalDeductions EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'TotalDeductions' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/totalDeductions

PUT Set TotalEarnings EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'TotalEarnings' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/totalEarnings

PUT Set TotalEarningsDeductions EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'TotalEarningsDeductions' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/totalEarningsDeductions

PUT Set TotalNetValue EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'TotalNetValue' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/totalNetValue

PUT Set TotalOtherDeductionsValue EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'TotalOtherDeductionsValue' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/totalOtherDeductionsValue

PUT Set TotalProtectionSchemeValue EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'TotalProtectionSchemeValue' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/totalProtectionSchemeValue

PUT Set TotalTaxValue EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'TotalTaxValue' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/totalTaxValue

PUT Set TotalWorkedWorkDays EmployeeReceipt

Updates the value of attribute 'TotalWorkedWorkDays' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/totalWorkedWorkDays

PUT Set Value EmpRecDebtProcedure

Updates the value of attribute 'Value' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/empRecDebtProcedures/{lineId}/value

PUT Set WorkDaysCount EmpRecProcessing

Updates the value of attribute 'WorkDaysCount' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}/workDaysCount

DELETE Operations

DELETE Emp Rec Processing by identifier

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
lineId (string) The line identifier.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 NoContent. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/employeeReceiptProcessings/{lineId}

DELETE Emp Rec Debt Procedure by identifier

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
companyKey (string) The company key.
lineId (string) The line identifier.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 NoContent. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}/empRecDebtProcedures/{lineId}

DELETE EmployeeReceipt by identifier

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

id (string) The record identifier.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 Deleted. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /payroll/employeeReceipts/{id}

DELETE EmployeeReceipt by key

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified key.

The following elements are required:

companyKey (string) The company key.
receiptKey (string) Receipt.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 Deleted. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /payroll/employeeReceipts/{companyKey}/{receiptKey}



The following elements are required:

processing (string) Processing.
hourlyWage (MoneyResource) Hourly Wage.
See MoneyResource .
netValue (MoneyResource) Net Value.
See MoneyResource .
workDaysCount (int) Work Days.
paidDaysCount (decimal) Paid Days.
paidHoursCount (decimal) Paid Hours.

The following elements are optional:

processingName (string) Processing Name.
periodAsText (string) Period.
periodMonth (int) Period Month.
periodYear (int) Period Year.
processingType (enum ProcessingType) Processing Type.
See ProcessingType.
orderIndex (int) Order Index.


The following elements are required:

debtProcedure (string) Debt Procedure.
attachableValue (MoneyResource) Attachable Value.
See MoneyResource .
value (MoneyResource) Value.
See MoneyResource .


The following elements are required:

documentDate (DateTime) Processing Date.
receiptKey (string) Receipt.
contract (string) Contract.
totalDeductions (decimal) Total Deductions.
totalEarnings (decimal) Total Earnings.
company (string) Company.
currency (string) Currency.
employee (string) Employee.
period (DateTime) Payment Period.
payment (string) Payment.
isBankFileDismissed (bool) Not included in Bank File.
totalCompanyDeductions (decimal) Total Company Charge.
totalOtherDeductionsValue (decimal) Total Other Deductions Value.
totalProtectionSchemeValue (decimal) Total Protection Scheme Value.
totalTaxValue (decimal) Total Tax Value.
totalWorkedWorkDays (decimal) Total Worked Work Days.
totalDebtProcedure (decimal) Total Debt Procedure.

The following elements are optional:

totalNetValue (decimal) Net Value.
employeeReceiptProcessings (List of ApiEmployeeReceiptEditEmployeeReceiptProcessingsResource) Employee Receipt Processings.
See ApiEmployeeReceiptEditEmployeeReceiptProcessingsResource.
periodAsText (string) Period As Text.
totalEarningsDeductions (decimal) Total Earnings Deductions.
empRecDebtProcedures (List of ApiEmployeeReceiptEditEmpRecDebtProceduresResource) Emp Rec Debt Procedures.
See ApiEmployeeReceiptEditEmpRecDebtProceduresResource.


The following elements are required:

receiptKey (string) Receipt.
documentDate (DateTime) Processing Date.
period (DateTime) Payment Period.
company (string) Company.
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type Company.
contract (string) Contract.
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type Contract. These records are accessibly through the Contracts service.
employee (string) Employee.
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type Employee. These records are accessibly through the Employees service.
currency (string) Currency.
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type Currency.
totalEarnings (decimal) Total Earnings.
totalDeductions (decimal) Total Deductions.
totalCompanyDeductions (decimal) Total Company Charge.
isPdfDirty (bool) Updated when changes are made to receipt.
payment (string) Payment.
(fk) Allowed value: the natural key of a record of type Payment. These records are accessibly through the Payments service.
dummy (MoneyResource) This is to prevent bug on generate correct sql table.
See MoneyResource .
isBankFileDismissed (bool) Not included in Bank File.
totalTaxValue (decimal) Total Tax Value.
totalProtectionSchemeValue (decimal) Total Protection Scheme Value.
totalOtherDeductionsValue (decimal) Total Other Deductions Value.
totalWorkedWorkDays (decimal) Total Worked Work Days.
totalPaidDays (decimal) The total number of paid days for the receipt.
totalDebtProcedure (decimal) Total Debt Procedure.

The following elements are optional:

periodAsText (string) Period As Text.
employeeReceiptProcessings (List of EmpRecProcessingResource) Employee Receipt Processings.
See EmpRecProcessingResource.
isPrinted (bool) Is Printed.
totalNetValue (decimal) Net Value.
empRecPaymentMethods (List of EmpRecPaymentMethodResource) Emp Rec Payment Methods.
See EmpRecPaymentMethodResource.
totalEarningsDeductions (decimal) Total Earnings Deductions.
employeeAddress (string) Address.
employeePostalZone (string) Postal Zone.
insurance (string) Insurance.
policy (string) Policy.
legalDeclaration (string) Legal Declaration.
printedReportName (string) Printed Report Name.
isReprinted (bool) Is Reprinted.
isSigned (bool) Is Signed.
empRecDebtProcedures (List of EmpRecDebtProcedureResource) Emp Rec Debt Procedures.
See EmpRecDebtProcedureResource.


The following elements are required:

company (string) Company.
contract (string) Contract.
currency (string) Currency.
documentDate (DateTime) Processing Date.
employee (string) Employee.
payment (string) Payment.
period (DateTime) Payment Period.
receiptKey (string) Receipt.
totalCompanyDeductions (decimal) Total Company Charge.
totalDeductions (decimal) Total Deductions.
totalEarnings (decimal) Total Earnings.
totalOtherDeductionsValue (decimal) Total Other Deductions Value.
totalProtectionSchemeValue (decimal) Total Protection Scheme Value.
totalTaxValue (decimal) Total Tax Value.
totalWorkedWorkDays (decimal) Total Worked Work Days.
totalPaidDays (decimal) The total number of paid days for the receipt.

The following elements are optional:

insurance (string) Insurance.
policy (string) Policy.
totalEarningsDeductions (decimal) Total Earnings Deductions.
totalNetValue (decimal) Net Value.


The following elements are required:

attachableValue (MoneyResource) Attachable Value.
See MoneyResource .
value (MoneyResource) Value.
See MoneyResource .
currency (string) Currency.
calculatedValue (MoneyResource) Calculated Value.
See MoneyResource .
aggregation (string) Aggregation.


The following elements are required:

debtProcedure (string) Debt Procedure.
attachableValue (MoneyResource) Attachable Value.
See MoneyResource .
value (MoneyResource) Value.
See MoneyResource .
currency (string) Currency.

The following elements are optional:

empRecDebtProcedureDetails (List of EmpRecDebtProcedureDetailResource) Emp Rec Debt Procedure Details.
See EmpRecDebtProcedureDetailResource.


The following elements are required:

paymentMethod (string) Payment Method.
value (MoneyResource) Value.
See MoneyResource .
currency (string) Currency.
description (string) Description.

The following elements are optional:

sWIFT (string) SWIFT.
iBAN (string) IBAN.
reference (string) Reference.
bankFile (string) Bank File.


The following elements are required:

processing (string) Processing.
netValue (MoneyResource) Net Value.
See MoneyResource .
hourlyWage (MoneyResource) Hourly Wage.
See MoneyResource .
workDaysCount (int) Work Days.
currency (string) Currency.
paidDaysCount (decimal) Paid Days.
paidHoursCount (decimal) Paid Hours.
absentUnjustifiedDaysCount (decimal) Absent Unjustified Days.
absentUnjustifiedHoursCount (decimal) Absent Unjustified Hours.
paidDays30DaysMonthCount (decimal) Paid Days 30.
absentUnjustifedDays30DaysMonthCount (decimal) Absent Unjustifed Days30.
grossBaseAllowance (MoneyResource) Gross Base Allowance.
See MoneyResource .

The following elements are optional:

periodMonth (int) Period Month.
periodAsText (string) Period.
periodYear (int) Period Year.
processingName (string) Processing Name.
processingType (enum ProcessingType) Processing Type.
See ProcessingType.
orderIndex (int) Order Index.


The following elements are required:

amount (decimal) The amount.

The following elements are optional:

baseAmount (decimal) The base amount.
reportingAmount (decimal) The reporting amount.
fractionDigits (int) The fraction digits.
symbol (string) The symbol.

Notes: For the POST operation it is not necessary to send the fields: BaseAmount, ReportingAmount, FractionDigits and Symbol. Will be ignored.



1 Advance Advance.
2 Regular Regular.
3 Posterior Posterior.
4 Retroactive Retroactive.